Friday 20 March 2015


Pre production

Magazine ideas:

Some existing fashion magazines:
Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Bazaar, Fashion.

Different fashion magazines have different coloured titles, and many do not stick to one specific colour on all issues, a popular colour which many magazines use for their masthead is red, but others choose the colour depending on the whole cover colour. For my magazine I would use a colour which relates to the image colour. I  will not use a huge amount of colours because the magazine would begin to lose its sophisticated look and would give a feeling of being addressed to young children.
I think that a light tone of grey would fit an classy background, and text which is bright.
For example this 'Fashion' magazine has a red masthead and is against a white background, the masthead is popular but the white background isn't a familiar thing to do, however I think it works because the text colours used contrast against the background, also the models dress is a strong black. I also feel that the colours reflect the theme of the magazine, as the magazine issue is November it relates to winter and these colours suit, they also are popular colours to wear to parties and casinos. I like that I each of these examples the main image is placed directly in the centre and the model is using direct address by looking straight at the camera, this is used to draw in the audience, in a way telling them this magazine is for them. It seems that many fashion magazines use similar masthead fonts, I think this is because this font is strong and sophisticated to relates to a female audience. I really like the masthead font for the magazine 'Elle' it is simple and the letters are evenly spread, I have noticed that many of Elle magazines masthead's are in a white font, however others are strongly coloured to stand out from the background colour. I also like that the fonts are of different sizes, I would like to try this technique on my front cover.

I intend to create a glossy monthly fashion magazine which is affordable and aimed at female teenagers and young adults from 16 to 25.
My magazine will be a spring issue so will include bright colours which are strong to stand out and will contrast against a darker colour background like grey. My photo shoot will be taken when the weather is sunny as it would be high lighting so the photographs would be stronger quality, also this would relate to the spring issue theme. The text colours would relate to the clothing of the cover model. This clothing will look high end and trendy but also affordable, my ideas for clothing would be skirts, or dresses, floral patterns, bright and strong colours, high heel shoes which would probably be black.
I like the simplicity of high end magazines for example vogue, the layout of their magazines are very sophisticated by using only small amounts of graphics, colours, imagery and shapes.  The imagery is always very strong as photo shoots always work, the models normally have large amounts of makeup on but does not look like an  too large uncomfortable amount. This magazine is very popular so also has a teen version which is aimed at younger people called 'Miss Vogue', this is aimed at teenagers who like the main vogue magazine but are not so interested in the clothing as it is aimed at people around 20 and 30's, this age group is an age that can afford the expensive fashion, as they may not have children yet and will be very involved in their career.  I like that only simple and small amounts of images and text is used, this gives the cover a sense that it is modern and high end. As other magazines for example, cosmopolitan these covers have much going on and it is overcrowded, there is also use of strong coloured backgrounds which are blocks of yellow, pink, red or purple, this is because the magazine is aimed at females.  I prefer more spacious layouts with strong images and colours which match the main image.

Other fashion magazines like Vogue are expensive and unaffordable for a younger audience so I would like to create a magazine which any person could afford, especially teens and the fashion would be affordable, so the clothing could be high street prices like Topshop and Newlook. As vogue magazines are £4.00,  I would then want to keep the price of my magazine below £3.00. So maybe £2.50 would be a more reasonable price.


This magazine cover above left image, has much going on as the writing has taken over the photograph of the cover model this suggests that the content of the magazine is persuading the reader to buy it as it has a lot to offer and you wont be disappointed. As different fonts are used one handwriting font to give a female interest also strong black font to stand out, “one women’s fight back” this writing is slight slanted to give a range of texts on the page so it isn't just all plain text which could make the page look boring. There are also stickers in bold red colour which sums up about beauty and the sticker effect makes this writing stand out as we are drawn in to look at it from the bold colour. The main image is just a focal point to give slight interest as it is a celebrity so the magazine is going to include a lot about celebrities. This magazine also includes much about sex, this writing is in big font to stand out to the reader and it tries to persuade the reader to want to read it.                                                                                     

The masthead are mainly always used in big bold red font placed at the top of the page, this is because they want their magazine to be noticed and for usual buyers to be able to recognise it. Also when being placed on a shop shelf magazines are all stacked in front of each other so it is sometimes hard to find the magazine buyers are looking for or to notice new magazines, so the ‘Cosmopolitan’ name gives identity and can draw in female readers who are familiar with the magazine or are looking to buy a new one.                                                                                    
  The magazine to the right of Ariana Grande I don’t like this magazine as it looks like it is addressing a younger audience with the red background, also pink and white colours and the main image is Ariana Grande who is associated with young people’s Tv programmes, and now she is a singer. But with the use of text on the front cover it seems to change who their addressed audience to older females as it talks a lot about sexual things and suggests that you need a perfect body and this magazine will help you get it. So it may cause effects on young girls at the teen age, they may become self conscious after readying this as all the bodies shown are skinny and perfect, so they are seen as normal but other body shaped=s are then conveyed as different so it seems this magazine is saying anyone like this needs to improve their body, this could cause depression and anorexia.


Vogue front cover analysis. I really like the colours used on this front cover of vogue magazine, the grey background gives a modern and sophisticated effect. This grey used is a light tone which doesn’t make the magazine look tacky or cheap, it fulfils the high end target audience who are looking for new fashion to be inspired by this magazine. There are many shadows around the main image which makes this model stand out conveying a strong direct address to the audience and it makes the audience look at her before reading the text which makes the audience interested in her clothing.  I also like the use of simple colours, there is only white, black and grey used on this front cover this makes the cover more appealing and it is to suggest the simplicity of the magazine as many people are put off when they see lots of writing, and the cover does not need much going on or it would ruin the sophisticated look and would change the purpose of the magazine. The lighting used for the photo shoot of the cover model is very specific, there is high lighting on her face especially to emphasise her cheek bones and it then shadows to each side of her face and towards her chin which is highlighted with a shadow below her bottom lip.