Tuesday 14 April 2015

Contents page

Contents page + what to include in my magazine ideas:

-Paris and New York fashion week
-Beauty tips
-High street shops
-Famous models secrets
-New in trends
-Runway looks
-create cheaper looks similar to those from Vogue or Elle
-the best from fashion designers
-Spring clothing

Examples of some fashion magazine contents pages:

These two examples are from Vogue magazines and they are both very similar, the images are both located to the left of the page and some of the word Vogue covers the image. Both left pages also have an image which has a grey background, this has shadows and highlights in places. So they normally lay out the contents page in a similar way for each issue, and this is to position the image to the left of the page. I have also noticed that the colours of the text used is mainly black and red for titles of information, so this stands out from the black which viewers may not have read.

I have noticed in some issues if the contents page is not a double spread, then the page next to it is a large image filling the whole page. I may choose to do this in my magazine because I think this is a very good idea to complement the text on the next page.

Other magazines like these (Elle, Cosmopolitan) have a lot more writing on there contents page with smaller images but seem to have more images around the edges of the pages, whereas Vogue use one big image to the left of the page. They also use a lot more bright colours with thicker and bolder text.

I really like this contents page by Bazaar because I like the header font type and the change in font and size of the word 'contents'. I also like the way the page has been divided using lines and this underlines the headers for each section.

Using this inspiration I think for my contents page I will use a double page and use a landscape image from my photo shoot and have most of the image to the right of the page and more free space to the left which can be filled with the writing and information for the content of the magazine.

Magazine name
I have chosen to name my magazine 'MATTE' because I think it relates to young people and it is in fashion to use matt colours for example makeup like matte foundation or matte nail varnish. Also the name at first glance you may think it says mate, so this could be related as the magazine could be a friend to a reader as it would give tips and advice.

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